Welcome to the friends of siss!
From abc to IB
The goal of the "Förderverein Internationale Schule und Preschool am Schuldorf Bergstrasse e.V." (also known as friends of siss) is to support the international school community at the Schuldorf Bergstrasse.
This community comprises the following:
• International Preschool/Kindergarten
(ages 3–6)
• International Primary branch
(grades 1–4)
• International Secondary branch
(grades 5–12, with IGCSE and IB)
friends of siss helps cover the "extras" the International Preschool and International school branches need beyond what state funding provides. This ranges from playground or classroom equipment, IGCSE/IB teaching resources, training for teachers in these programs, support to graduation events and social events, to name a few.
Through membership of parents and donations from private individuals and organisations or companies this is possible.
Feel free to browse through the website to learn more about friends of siss and how you as a member can support the international community, preschool and primary and secondary school branches.

State School…what does this mean?
As opposed to private schools, SISS is a state-run school and therefore receives a majority of the essential funding from the state of Hesse. Nevertheless, due to its British curriculum-based programs, there are many costs that cannot be covered by state budgets – this is where friends of siss comes in!
Sponsored activities include: additional teaching materials, relocation support for new teachers, training activities for teachers (especially in relation to IGCSE and IB), membership fees of international school and certification organisations, library and media-center facilities, learning materials for IGCSE and IB, sports/play equipment and musical instruments.
As a registered non-profit organisation – all fees and donations from its members and supporters are tax-deductible.
For details on becoming a member click here
We also welcome donations – these can be made to the following account:
Kontoinhaber: Förderverein Internationale Schule und Preschool e.V.
IBAN: DE83 5085 0150 0025 0052 52
Verwendungszweck (e.g. general funds, specific school branch)
If you have any questions please contact friendsofsiss@gmail.com
The History of
the Förderverein
The history the Förderverein is closely linked with Klaus-Jürgen Hoffie, the former Hessian Minister of Economics. He was convinced that, due the increasing internationalisation of the metropolitan Rhine-Main-Neckar area, there needed to be an international education capability in the region in order to be able to compete with other metropolitan regions in Europe. As a member of the Darmstadt-Dieburg district county council he was central in the establishment of a preparatory association for the creation of an international kindergarten, as the first building block of an international educational environment. Thanks to his tireless efforts and collaboration with the state government, the first state International School in Germany was established, which today reaches far beyond the borders of Hesse.
The “Förderverein Internationale Schule und Preschool am Schuldorf Bergstrasse e.V” was founded and registered in 2002 by representatives from politics, the business world and parents. In 2003, the International Preschool was opened followed by the Primary branch in 2005.
In 2008, the Secondary branch opened its doors. In addition to these branches on the Schuldorf campus, funding was also provided towards the building of the new sports hall for the campus and Seeheim community: "Sporthalle an der Düne."